Thursday, April 10, 2008

Adventures @ Work

The past few weeks Ellie and I have been going in to help with the new family business. I unpack the boxes of equipment and take care of the billing every Wednesday morning. Well, Ellie has to tag along and is fairly good as long as she has snacks on her tray and Baby Einstein playing on the computer. She has started to really cruise around the room in her walker and loves getting into things she probably shouldn't. Well, while I was reorganizing the other day, Ellie had to hang out under the desk for a minute and she was really digging it! Here are a few pics from our day at work!


Emily B said...

I love the new background, Brook. Ellie is such a doll.

Janell said...

I love your new page! It looks awesome! How did you do that? I'm so computer illiterate these days! Ellie looks like she's enjoying life as her own boss as well!

Anonymous said...

The new page is way cute! where do you find the different back grounds??