Monday, September 21, 2009

Leap Pads

Last week Ellie took me down to the playroom so that I could start a movie for her. I came around the corner and saw that she had taken all her toy tubs, turned them upside down and proceed to jump across them to the TV. It was to funny so I went up and got the camera and took her picture. That night we cleaned up all the toys and put everything away so we could vacuum. The next morning I went down and she had dumped out all the toys again and made a different path. So is it useless to ever clean her toys up again, just to see them scattered around the floor????
And why does she have a swimsuit on??? A few weeks ago our neighbors invited us over to swim and everyday since Ellie goes in her room and brings out her suit to put on. Sometimes I oblige her and put it on and let her wear it around the house and other times we have to fill up the inflatable pool in the front yard to please her. She is such a silly girl:)


Anonymous said...

Yes i am not the only mother with a child who thinks the toys look better ALL OVER! lol All you can do is laugh!

Marylin said...

Oh man that is my girls room all the time! :) She does look cute in that swimsuit, I can see why she likes it soo much!! I can't believe how big she is getting!! :)