Friday, September 25, 2009

He could use a little Exercise

Brady brought home a few of our things from our storage unit the other day, one of them happened to be Ellie's ExerSaucer. I thought Cooper was still a little small for it, but Brady and Ellie apparently thought differently. While I was out, they put him in and Ell's had no problem showing him the ropes. Brady took a video and he looks a little like a deer in the headlights. However, once Ellie chilled out so did he. He has spent a few more minutes in it during the week and seems to enjoy himself. I love to see him get so exciting about seeing new things:)


Kellie and Stephen said...

He is such a chubbers now! Thanks for a great time today - made even better that Ellie has finally acknowledged my existence!

Anonymous said...

he is too cute! he is getting chubbier! i love it!