Tuesday, January 18, 2011

He is such a CHARACTER!!

Here are a few things Cooper has been up to this month...
The other night we had gotten the kids out of the tub when we heard a loud THUD from the bathroom, Cooper had climbed back in and was enjoying the last of the bubbles and water...only problem he was fully dressed!!
He wants to be just like his big sister Ellie...He came in wearing Ellie's Alice bow with his buzz jammies...
He was sick at Grandma's last week and all he wanted was to snuggle with BUZZ on the couch and watch TS3, mind you this is at 10 at night. Later he was holding his hand!
He loves looking out the window!
He got new Converse for xmas, thanks Richie, and he loves wearing them to church!!
After previewing this blog i noticed something!! but i promise Cooper does get dressed during the day even though it may not seem like it!!


Emily B said...

I love the window picture. And my boys like to get "dressed up" in Rebecca's stuff sometimes too. It worries me a little.

Kellie and Stephen said...

we love our "little buddy"