Friday, January 7, 2011

Christmas Day

Ellie woke up at about 4:30 that morning, but since it was still dark outside I persuaded her back to bed, since i didn't think Aunt Tami or Grandma would appreciate that early of a wake up call. She woke up again at about 7:30 a more reasonable hour.After getting Cooper up and Dad we made our way as a family out to the living room to see what Santa had brought. I think Coopie was a little overwhelmed but soon getting right into the fray. Ellie was so excited to see her Berry Cafe and Princess stuff.  
We started opening presents about an hour or so after we woke up, we spent that time playing with our Santa toys, opening our stockings, waiting for everyone to wake up and just enjoying the magic of Christmas morning. 
When we started we went youngest to oldest, Ellie was interested in what everyone else got for about a minute, then when it wasn't her turn she would return to her Strawberries and Alice to play until it was her turn again!! After everything was opened we had cinnamon rolls for a late breakfast and headed downstairs to watch a home video Brady had put together for his family. It turned out so good and i think everyone loved them. By this time Ellie had packed up most of her toys and taken them to her room, so Coopie wouldn't touch them, and was playing happily. 
The rest of the weekend we played, took naps, cooked and ate a wonderful dinner, went for Jeep rides, played some more, watched Inception again, and had a wonderful time.
We ended the weekend with breakfast at the Bear Paw and then our celebrating was done as the Grandparents went home and Daddy went back to work.


Anonymous said...

looks like you had an awesome and fun christmas!