Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A Forgotten Post

Last night Ellie said she was ready for bed and brought out her jammies, so I changed her, then a few minutes later she wanted her milk so i got that and off she went. Brady then got on the phone with his parents and i sat down at the computer and she came out and asked if i could turn on her pink lamp, i told her it was on and she was off again. it had been a few minutes and I realized I hadn't heard from her so i got up to check if she was watching a movie in my room, nope. Her door was shut, lights off, lamps on, and she was fast asleep in her bed. Completely adorable other than the fact it was 6:30!! Needless to say i had an early morning that started at 3:30 and was in and out til 5, where we both slept soundly til 8! 

This was written on December 13th and forgotten about until i found it today:)


About Me said...

i love that little girl and her mom!