Monday, June 21, 2010

TRI-rific DAD!!

Saturday Brady competed in his second triathlon of the season. He rocked the swim, felt okay on the bike, and then came the RUN!! He has been having a foot problem since his last tri and wasn't sure if he would make the run, but he DID it anyway. He has been having a problem with the top and arch of his foot. He ended up walking most of the six miles,running was way to painful, but we are still so proud of him for his effort and not giving up!! Next up is the SpudMan and hopefully that foot will heal up so he can train for the run and have a great a time in all 3 parts.

We are so lucky to have him as our dad!! 
Happy Belated Father's Day!!!


Kellie and Stephen said...

Way to go Brady! that's awesome. I hope you're foot gets better in time for the Spudman.

Unknown said...

good job brady!!