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Since it is still the beginning of the year I thought I would do a little update of both of the kiddos. First up, COOPER!!
He has changed so much since 2010 began, he is now 8 months old. He started crawling on Christmas Day (i guess new toys are a great motivator) and he has never looked back. This month he started pulling himself up onto everything. It only took a few trys to master that concept and he has now started walking around the couch. Last week Brady tried to get him to walk behind the LION, but he couldn't figure it out. WELL, this morning I tried again and to my huge surprise OFF he went. He is slow and wobbly, but that won't last long, I guess his chubby legs must have a little muscle in there!!! Ellie waited til her first b-day to walk, but I don't think Coop can wait that long, i'm thinking 9-10 months!!!
Besides his being so mobile, he has his 2 bottom teeth and he loves using them. He LOVES food and will beg for anything you eat. It doesn't matter what it is, I love that he eats, his sister not so much:(
He is still a snuggler, he loves being rocked, and sleeping in. Ellie hates waiting for him to get up in the morning!! SHe has been to know to sneak in his room and wake him up!! He has a bunch of hair and it's getting lighter and lighter by the day!! How I got 2 little blondies I'll never know, however, that's all of me he got, he is his Daddy's little twin!!
He loves his big sister and Ellie likes having him around too, even though she is a little rough with him. She calls him Toop or Toopie!!
That's about all I can think of for now, hopefully, I can now stay update to date and not have a recap!!
Ellie and Cooper have both gotten so big! I love that Ellie calls him Toopie! Ava calls Dexter, Dexie...we have never called him that so I thought it was so cute she came up with it on her own.
I loved the updates...sorry to hear about Brady's Grandma. It somehow seems a bit easier when they are really sick and out of reality but in those pictures she seems totally fine!! Good memories are a blessing.
Coopers hair is awesome!! When I saw the picture of the mohawk, I had to laugh because that is how John does Talon's hair! Too funny! Ellie sure is getting big and of course she is still as cute as ever!
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