Monday, February 15, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
We're so Glad When DADDY Comes Home!!
Posted by Brady, Brook, Ellie, & Cooper at 2/12/2010 2 comments
Brady & Brook
I normally don't blog much about myself, but in the spirit of the New Year and a promise of a family update here is what Brady and I have been up to.
A few weeks ago Brady was downstairs adding some shelving in our pantry. He was done with the shelves and just installing the lights when he came upstairs holding his wrist and looking like he was in pain. He had been drilling through a beam when the drill caught and flipped his wrist. Luckily nothing was broken, but he is still in a brace for 6 weeks and then they will reevaluate it.
Brady is also beginning to train for the SpudMan Triathlon in Idaho this summer. He is doing awesome in his training despite his injury and has set some great goals, we are excited for a trip this summer. The kids both love to go on rides with their Daddy, even though they mostly just fall asleep:)
As for myself I am still just busy being mom and trying to get everything settled into our house. We are loving the new neighborhood and ward. We just got called to be the activity chairpeople so any great ideas are welcomed.
Since Brady decided to train for a tri, I felt kind a lazy so I decided to begin running again and hope to sign up for a 10k some time in March. I guess since this is now posted for the world to see I better lace on my gym shoes and start running!!!
Posted by Brady, Brook, Ellie, & Cooper at 2/12/2010 0 comments
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Cheese, Swing, & Rocks
Last week the kids and I headed down to Vegas so Brady could catch up on some work and we could enjoy some play time. Here is a rundown of our quick little trip!!Wednesday night we went to Chuckie CHeese with the Mohlers!! Ellie had a blast eating pizza, playing games, and riding the rides. Cooper even got in on some of the action! Thanks for the invite Ryker. All I have heard since is "Go to Tellie's and go to Cheese" she Loved it!!
I had to add this pic, Ellie's face kills me, and i'm not sure what Ryker and Cooper are doing???
Thursday we spent the day baking cookies for a baby shower on Saturday. We made about 6 dozen, but it seemed to take FOREVER!! Next time I may consider buying a few:) Aunt Natalie came over to help and occupied the kiddos with a few trips to the park!
Friday we woke up to gray clouds, but still headed up to Red Rock. The kids each took a quick nap on the way and woke up once we got there. It was a little chilly and it sprinkled a bit, but we still managed a small hike! Ellie loved climbing on the rocks and Cooper loved hanging with Grandma in the car!
Ellie was lucky enough to spend Friday night with Grandma and Papa and play with Ryker on Saturday then have her Dad pick her up and bring her home after the BYU / UNLV game. Thanks for watching her, I am sure she had FUN!!
Posted by Brady, Brook, Ellie, & Cooper at 2/10/2010 1 comments
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Ellie has also done a lot of growing up in the past few months. She is getting taller and has kept up with her cousin Ryker pretty well, it seems like they take turns being taller every time they see each other.She has become quite the chatterbox lately. Some of her favorite things to talk about are sounds animals make and counting, we can only get to 3, but she can point out 8 just about anywhere!! She also loves Disney and it's Princesses. We know quite a few, but currently Snow WHite is at the top of the list.
A few months ago I went through my teaching boxes and found some science books. Ellie latched right on to all the Solar System stuff. She can point out a few planets, knows the sun is really hot, and points out THE MOON every time we step outside!!She is also pretty technology savy and can do more things on the iTOUCH than I can. She loves Paper Toss and Doodle Buddy! IT also comes in handy on long car rides and when we are out to dinner:)
When we went to Disneyland last year my Mom reluctantly bought her a stuffed Lady, well, she has taken Lady on every trip since then and to many stores. They are inseparable and she loves her!! I am just glad that she is easy to wash:)She loves to be outside and enjoys walks and bike rides. She is pretty coordinated on her feet and loves jumping across the floor and having dance parties with her Dad. She is so fearless and isn't scared of heights in the least.
Ellie is growing into a good little helper and is a much better shopping partner than she used to be. She can have quite an attitude for a 2 year old and she definitely needs her sleep,but we will keep her anyway.
Posted by Brady, Brook, Ellie, & Cooper at 2/09/2010 0 comments
Monday, February 8, 2010
He is still a snuggler, he loves being rocked, and sleeping in. Ellie hates waiting for him to get up in the morning!! SHe has been to know to sneak in his room and wake him up!! He has a bunch of hair and it's getting lighter and lighter by the day!! How I got 2 little blondies I'll never know, however, that's all of me he got, he is his Daddy's little twin!!
He loves his big sister and Ellie likes having him around too, even though she is a little rough with him. She calls him Toop or Toopie!!
That's about all I can think of for now, hopefully, I can now stay update to date and not have a recap!!
Posted by Brady, Brook, Ellie, & Cooper at 2/08/2010 2 comments
January Has Come and Gone...
Posted by Brady, Brook, Ellie, & Cooper at 2/08/2010 1 comments