Last Spring Brady planted a garden in our backyard we planted 4 different things watermelon, peas, cucumber, and carrots. After a few chipmunk incidents and the sweltering sun only one plant survived. We hadn't seen any fruit on the plant until Monday. We went out to check out the garden and here is what we found!

That is awesome that you planted a garden - good work, especially considering the HEAT!
Are Heidi and Spencer still together - I thought their 5 minutes of fame would be up by now...
That's awesome. I want to plant a fruit tree in our backyard and try that out.
I love the pig tails. And I love the comment Kellie left for you on Brady's birthday post.
So classic! Don't have a clue about watermelon though. Sorry.
haha- love the picture:) I always think that people who grow their own stuff are awesome!
I'm glad to see your garden is finally working out! I love Ellie's pigtails - she looks so cute with them.
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