We are not having Cooper's birthday party til this weekend, but we still thought we would celebrate his true birthday in style. He got up early and got a gift from his dad, a NEW baseball glove and some t-balls, he loved the balls, the glove he will have to grow into that!!
For lunch we went and picked up Dad from work and then cruised to McDonalds for lunch and ate it at the park. We then had time for a quick dip at the waterpark, then we had to get Dad back to work. The afternoon was spent playing with Papa and then a long nap!! Followed by some play time with Ellie and Daddy.
Then last night we had a few friends over for brownies and ice cream. Cooper loved the ice cream and ate mine and then a plate of his own. He also got to open his family presents and loved playing with them the rest of the night. Now, if we could only convince Ellie they don't belong to her. He also got some cute new clothes, BYU Scrubs, baseball plates, and socks from his Grandma and Great Grandma. Hopefully, he had fun and we can't wait to party this weekend, and Cooper can't wait to get his hands on his OWN cake:)