Last weekend our family celebrated a few fun things. First Brady's birthday was Saturday so we went out to eat with the Flygare family at our favorite restaurant. After lunch we came back to the house to watch a little cougar football. THey had a big win and that made everyone's day. After the game we took Ellie swimming at the hotel pool and even though it was freezing she had such a fun time with her Dad & Hailey. She was jumping off the side and being thrown around and loving every minute.
Sunday morning was Cooper's big day, he was FINALLY blessed. We were so thankful for all our friends and family that came for the day. Brady did such an awesome job at the blessing. Halfway through the blessing a baby started crying really loudly, after a minute I realized it was Cooper! It just didn't sound like his cry. He was so good the rest of the meeting and fell asleep in his Grandma's arm.
One funny thing did happen, during the first speaker Ryker finally saw Ellie (they were sitting 2 rows back and on the side). After a quick wave he yelled "COME HERE ELLIE!!" It was pretty cute, even if a little irreverent.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
A Birthday & A Blessing
Posted by About Me at 9/30/2009 2 comments
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Icky Bugs!!
My mom brought this little toy back from one of her adventures awhile ago. Ellie had a little interest in it before we moved, but since then she has started to love it. She will bring it out to me, closed of course, and when I open it she will say AHHH BUG and run away screaming. She will then come close & look at it then scream again. If its shut then she is fine to play with it. She is such a character!!
Posted by About Me at 9/27/2009 0 comments
Friday, September 25, 2009
He could use a little Exercise
Brady brought home a few of our things from our storage unit the other day, one of them happened to be Ellie's ExerSaucer. I thought Cooper was still a little small for it, but Brady and Ellie apparently thought differently. While I was out, they put him in and Ell's had no problem showing him the ropes. Brady took a video and he looks a little like a deer in the headlights. However, once Ellie chilled out so did he. He has spent a few more minutes in it during the week and seems to enjoy himself. I love to see him get so exciting about seeing new things:)
Posted by About Me at 9/25/2009 2 comments
No Mine
I picked up some toys from Sesame Street in the dollar section at Target the other day. Ellie loved them and spending a few bucks to keep her happy in the cart is money well spent! (Target sure is smart to put it right next to the entrance) That night they had to go to bed with her, so i placed them on her pillow. Well, when I went to check on her a few hours later they were gripped in her hands. I was going to remove them and set them on her table so she could see them when she woke up. She opened her eyes said NO MINE! grabbed them back and closed her eyes. Needless to stay they stayed the rest of the night and she still had them in hand when she came to wake me up the next morning:)
Posted by About Me at 9/25/2009 2 comments
Monday, September 21, 2009
Leap Pads
Last week Ellie took me down to the playroom so that I could start a movie for her. I came around the corner and saw that she had taken all her toy tubs, turned them upside down and proceed to jump across them to the TV. It was to funny so I went up and got the camera and took her picture. That night we cleaned up all the toys and put everything away so we could vacuum. The next morning I went down and she had dumped out all the toys again and made a different path. So is it useless to ever clean her toys up again, just to see them scattered around the floor????
And why does she have a swimsuit on??? A few weeks ago our neighbors invited us over to swim and everyday since Ellie goes in her room and brings out her suit to put on. Sometimes I oblige her and put it on and let her wear it around the house and other times we have to fill up the inflatable pool in the front yard to please her. She is such a silly girl:)
Posted by About Me at 9/21/2009 2 comments
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Posted by About Me at 9/15/2009 3 comments
Friday, September 4, 2009
Say Cheese!!
Cooper has always been a pretty happy baby, as long as he is fed and cuddled. Well the last few weeks he has perfected his smile. He grins from ear to ear whenever his Mom talks to him, even with a bottle in his mouth. SO CUTE!!! 2 nights ago Brady got him to giggle by tickling his feet. It is so cute and now I can't resist making him laugh. He is getting so big so quick, next thing I know I will be posting about him rolling over:( Hopefully I can get a video soon of his laugh and post it!
Posted by About Me at 9/04/2009 4 comments
Putting it Together
The past few weeks have consisted of finishing up a few projects and blogging has been put on the backburner. I have a few post that I can hopefully get to in the next few days.
A father's day present I had completely forgotten about until unpacking the frame last week. It's for Brady's office.
Posted by About Me at 9/04/2009 0 comments