Sunday, May 31, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
What do you think??
So our little man should be here in the next few days, my official due date is MONDAY June 1st. So, I saw this little game on a few peoples blogs and I thought it would be fun to try. Unfortunately, I forgot until now so your chances have gone up picking the right day.
So here it goes, Leave a guess on when you think
the baby will come
his weight
& his length
For those of you who want a little background info before placing your guess, Ellie was a day late and weighed 8.5 lbs and was 21 inches long.
Good luck I am looking forward to seeing what you think!!
Posted by About Me at 5/28/2009 13 comments
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Memorial Day
This Memorial Day was pretty low key, considering we couldn't leave town. We started the day off with a trip to the downtown water park with Dad.
We came home and took naps. Then we ended the day playing in the pool in the backyard, Ellie learned the joys of drinking out of the house!!
Posted by About Me at 5/26/2009 1 comments
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
38 Weeks!!
Well we are almost ready for the arrival of our newest member of the family. We are almost fully decided on a name, but you will have to wait for that. Last night we made it to the storage unit for the swing, cradle, bottles, and ALL that fun infants stuff! I have also had some request for pics so here they are! I have been lucky enough to not be retaining much water and I have felt pretty good the whole time.
Here is just a cute pic of Ellie enjoying the Spring weather!
Hopefully, we will be able to hang the pictures in the nursery this weekend and I will post some of those next week. Until then we are just waiting!!!
Posted by About Me at 5/22/2009 5 comments
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Changes in Ellie's Room & Farm Animals
Yesterday was an exciting day in our house, we moved the crib out of Ellie's room and rearranged the furniture in her room. She is still sleeping in the crib, but it is now in the newly painted nursery. I will have to post pics of the nursery after the bedding and pictures have been hung.
Ellie loves the space in her room and is enjoying playing on her new bed. She will lay down and close her eyes when you tell her to go to sleep, but that only lasts a few moments. I think we will work on sleeping in the girl bed after the baby comes, I don't want to give up naps yet!! She also adores her doll houses and play with them endlessly. Her other favorite activity in her room is looking out the window and watching the cars go by!
Last weekend we had to go drop off some outdoor furniture at a friends house out in Hurricane. They have a bunch of farm animals in the backyard and Ellie loved walking around and petting them. Here are some cute pics from that day!
Posted by About Me at 5/12/2009 6 comments