So Saturday afternoon Brady got this great idea to restain our front door. It hasn't really looked that great and has had a problem with the old stain flaking off. I figured we might as well try and see what happens, if it didn't work at least I could justify getting a brand new door. So Brady set off for Lowes to buy the supplies and got started staining at about 3 o'clock. After 3 coats it was the right color and looked pretty good. We had the door open so that it could dry, well 8 o'clock that night the door is still pretty wet, so we set up a portable heater by the door so that it would dry a little faster. At 10 o'clock the door was still super wet so we shut the door as much as we could and Brady decided to sleep on the couch, just in case we had visitors in the middle of the night.
Sunday morning I figured it would be dry and we could head to church, well, wrong again. I went to YW by myself while Ellie had a nap and Brady hung out. It finally dried about 6 that night and we could finally shut the door and put the hardware back on . However, despite the inconvenience, the door looks fantastic and I wish we had done it years ago!!!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Weekend Project
Posted by About Me at 3/30/2009 4 comments
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Growing a Garden
This year we decided to try again and plant a garden. We haven't had to much luck in the past due to a chipmunk problem and not really knowing what the heck we were doing. After getting a little advice from my Dad we went for our 3rd attempt.
Monday night for FHE we went out and planted our seeds. We have watermelons, peas, cucumbers, and carrots. Ellie was a great help running around the edge and trying to steal the seeds. She even wore her straw hat like her Grandpa would have. (thanks Toni, she now loves wearing it) Hopefully in 2 weeks we should have some growth and in 60-75 days I will have some fresh veggies to show off!! After we finished planting Ellie and Brady watered the garden and then Ellie had a blast running around while Brady chased her with the hose! She is such a water gal!
Posted by About Me at 3/26/2009 2 comments
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Jo & Lo - The New Additions to our Family
Last Tuesday night I went scrapbooking with my friend Brook. While I was gone Brady decided to take Ellie out on a date. Well, I thought that meant the park or maybe McDonalds. NOPE, I was totally wrong and when I got home I had a BIG surprise waiting. 2 little parakeets in a huge cage. We had been discussing getting Ellie some sort of pet and birds were an option along with a bunny. So I was pretty shocked, but happy about the situation. We decided to name them Jo & Lo so that Ellie would be able to say their names.
Since then the birds have gotten a little more noisy, but Ellie just loves them. She says bye to them when we leave the house and good morning to them everyday. They are near the table and she talks to them as she eats. If you notice the locks in the picture, we had to put them on because she easily learned how to open the doors and we didn't want any birds escaping! However, I think she still scares them a bit. We love our new additions and hopefully now we can put off getting a dog for at least a year:)
Posted by About Me at 3/25/2009 4 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
Spring is in the AIR!
Yesterday morning Ellie and I headed to the water park in downtown St. George. If you haven't been there yet, I highly recommend it. Ellie climbed right into the water, despite it being freezing cold and started wondering around. Ellie's friend Halle and Lauryn joined us a few minutes later and they had so much fun exploring. We also enjoyed one of Ellie's favorite snacks POPCORN!
Ellie's highlights were climbing up and down the stairs in the river and running around like a crazy person through the fountain that squirts out of the ground. We can't wait to take our Dad there this weekend for some more wet fun.
Here she is with her other favorite PEANUTS and wearing Mom's shoes.
Posted by About Me at 3/20/2009 5 comments
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Happy Anniversary
Today is our 4th wedding anniversary! While we were in NY we decided to celebrate a little early and go see Phantom of the Opera for our gift to each other. We had so much fun and I loved the play.
Although tonight I am excited to go out to dinner without Ellie, thanks Brook again for watching her! Love ya Brady!!!
Posted by About Me at 3/19/2009 5 comments
Monday, March 16, 2009
I don't know what happened to my sweet little nursery lover, but she disappeared at church yesterday! Ellie just started sobbing the minute we went through the doors and after multiple attempts to leave her, I ended up walking the halls. Well after snack we went back in for music. She sat on my lap and sang then got up to sit next to me, but wouldn't let go of my hands. Once the toys came out she went over to play and I quickly escaped. THe rest of the time she did okay, until people started leaving, but that always happens.
Anyway it sure made Brady's day, well maybe YEAR!
Posted by About Me at 3/16/2009 3 comments
New Spring Clothes
Posted by About Me at 3/16/2009 2 comments
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
New York Part IIII
We ended our trip Friday going back to the Today show, but it was far to busy so no pics:( Then stood in line for Jimmy Fallon stand by tickets. After getting our tickets we headed to the Met Museum and walked around for hours and didn't finish the entire place. After we walked through Central Park and headed back to Times Square for lunch. We went back and regrouped at the hotel and then headed over to Jimmy Fallon. We had to wait in line forever and finally after 3 cuts we made it onto the back row of the theater. It was really funny to watch him and Drew Barrymore talk and then Chase Crawford was on second, I love him from Gossip Girl so it was cool to see him in person. I was surprised that they actually take the entire commercial break while filming. At the end Jimmy runs up the aisle and across the back giving high 5's, so due to our bad seats we got to touch his hand!!! After the taping we went for the best potato skins and strawberry cheesecake at the Carnegie Deli. We were going to catch a cab there, but these bicycle taxis talked us into taking them instead. Well, it was one of the scariest experiences of my life. I thought we were going to die weaving through NY traffic on a bike, but we survived!! On our way back to the hotel we ran into Tony Little (infomercial exercise King) in a shoe store.
Saturday we packed up and ate at one last deli before our trip to the airport. After a long wait and even longer flight we made it back home!
We loved every minute of New York and can't wait to go back again, thanks Andrea for all your great tips!
Posted by About Me at 3/11/2009 5 comments
New York Part III
The rest of the trip we spent mostly walking! Thursday we started the day with a Circle Line Tour around the harbor and then took the Subway to Brooklyn for the best pizza ever!!! @ Grimaldi's then had the best homemade ice cream from across the street. We then walked back across the bridge and over and up Wall St, over to Ground Zero, and back to our favorite street in NY, Canal Street for more fake jewelry:) My legs were so sore after this day I didn't think I could make it out that night for Phantom of the Opera, but I did and it was well worth the 2 block walk!!
Posted by About Me at 3/11/2009 0 comments
New York Part II
Here are some more pics from our first few days in the city.

These pictures are during the worst snow storm and nighttime at Rockefeller Center.

Posted by About Me at 3/11/2009 1 comments
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
NYC Part One
After flying out on the red eye Friday night we have been on the go! NYC has been so fun, other than the 10 degree weather. I thought Cedar was the coldest place on Earth, but NY tops it!! You will be cold and then turn a corner and the wind picks up and drops the temp another 20 degrees. Today it has finally started to warm up, so it may seem that I haven't changed my clothes, but really we have.
Our Trip so Far...
*Red Line Bus Tour (3 days and totally worth it!
*National History Museum
*Mama Mia, Stomp, & Wicked
*The Largest Indoor Ferris Wheel at Toys R Us
*ChinaTown and knockoff's galore!!!
*Carmines, Pizza, & Strawberry Cheesecake
*Tiffany's 6 floors of Heaven
*Today Show and meeting the Hosts
*Empire State Building
*Grand Central Station
*Bachelor Night (Jason what r u thinking???)
Here are a few pics from the Today Show, you will have to wait for the rest our internet connection is too slow!

Posted by About Me at 3/04/2009 4 comments