I can't believe how quickly December came and went at the Flygare house. Be prepared for about 10 posts combined into 1. Here are a few things that we have been up to throughout the month.! We kicked off our month at the Utah vs. BYU game. All of the home games we went to this year, BYU got destroyed so it was nice to see the Cougs get out ahead. Then came the second half and the most excitinge ending we could have asked for!!

We came home got our lights and tree up and then really got in the swing of Christmas. My sister Kim, decided to give us the 24 days of Christmas, so ELlie quickly learned about unwrapping a gift a day. We got all sorts of things from Pirate toys to
holiday wear to bubble bath. We loved it and can't wait to think of something to do with our advent calendar next year.

The second week our family got a visitor from the North Pole, an elf, named Tink R. Elf. Ellie wasn't to sure about him and he got into quite a bit of trouble at our house, but we hope to see him again next year.

The weekend before Christmas it was back up to Orem to celebrate Christmas with the Flygare's. Thursday Brady had to work so Jessica came along with us to see the Princess and the Frog. Cooper was a great movie goer and fell asleep in the beginning and Ellie did pretty well. She loved the popcorn, but would have preferred to watch Snow White!! We ended up leaving 15 minutes early due to the fact Ellie started wondering,
but I was glad she made it that far!
That night we also went to see the Festival of Lights in Spanish Fork. Ellie loved them, especially Snow WHite's castle. Sorry the pics for the next few are on Brady's phone and I don't want to wait any longer to post this:(
Friday night was the big Flygare family party. Everyone came over for dinner, a walk down Memory lane, and present opening. Ellie got a huge coloring book that she loves to color in and a Crayola desk that sits right by her dads, where she loves hanging out. By the end of the night we were all exhausted and fell right to sleep. It was a good thing because Brady's grandma throws a huge extended family party and that was Saturday morning.
Our family got there early to help set up the table and get things ready. It was nice to see everyone and catch up on their families. During the party an Elf, that looked a lot like Dwight Shrute, came and made the most fabulous balloon art I have ever seen. Cooper got a baby bottle and Ellie asked for a Tinkerbell and was pretty happy with her, until someone else got a Snow White, well thanks to a nice Aunt that traded with Ellie we took home Snow.
Ellie loved her and carried her around for days.

We came home to celebrate our wards Christmas program and
give the kids a little rest before we were road tripping again Monday. My niece, Chelcie came down and picked us up and drove us down to Vegas (my car had was in the shop) to visit with the family and her Mom, my sister Kim, that came down from Northern Cali for Christmas. Monday night we just hung out at my Mom's for dinner. My kids absolutely adored my Dad's train set. I wish I had a pic, because the would just sit and watch for hours'!!
Right before we left for the game ELlie fell asleep playing on the iTOUCH with her PaPa, i thought it was cute and blog worthy.

Tuesday was the day we had been waiting for since BYU killed Utah, Maaco bowl. Brady's aunt once again came through and got us terrific tickets on the 7th row at about the 10 yd. line. Despite the freezing temps and the hurricane bitter cold winds, the fans were into the game and it was so fun to watch. A big group of my family came to the game with us and it was nice to see BYU beat up on yet another PAC 10 team, despite Kim wearing her bright ORANGE scarf in the midst of the diehard Cougar fans:)
Wednesday Chelcie and I were back in the car and headed towards home
to get ready for the BIG NIGHT!!!