Ellie woke up bright and early Christmas morning, even after staying up late! Santa must have decided she was a good girl, because she did pretty well. Our morning started off a little slow she was not to sure of anything. She didn't really want anything to do with the Santa toys, but went after the things in her stocking. Her favorite a toothbrush:) Once we started opening the gifts she got a little more excited. However, once she opened her Leap Frog Magnetic Farm toy, she wanted no more toys, she was HAPPY:) We let her play with her toys while we got ready to go out visiting.
Our first stop was Ryker's house where he was still opening presents, so Ellie sat down and started helping and playing:) We also went past my brother's for breakfast, and my sister to check out their gifts. We got back to my Mom's around one and put Ellie down for a nap, were she stayed until 5!! She has never slept that long, but it sure was nice. Then everyone came over for dinner again and more present opening. Overall we had a great Christmas season:)
Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas Morning
Posted by About Me at 12/29/2008 5 comments
Twas the Night B4 Xmas
Wednesday afternoon we drove down to my parents house to spend Christmas with my family. We were suppose to make pies when we got there, but my great sister, Natalie, already had them done. So we spent the time snacking and hanging out with the family. Once my brother and sister's family got there we had a delicious dinnner and dessert. Then came the annual family program. The kids all play a song on the piano and this year we also got a drum solo from my nephew. Then someone reads the Christmas story. After the program the little kids get to open up half their gift from my Mom which always includes PJ's. I loved ellie's this year, they were red polka dotted and even though they say Santa's Little Helper, she will wear them for awhile! Ellie wasn't to keen on going to bed and stayed up a little too late.
Posted by About Me at 12/29/2008 0 comments
Early Christmas
This year we decided that instead of taking all our presents with us to Vegas we would open a few before we left. So Tuesday night we opened up our gifts from the Flygares, Ellie wasn't to sure about it but loved the stuffed animals and talking purse she got as gifts. Brady and I were also excited for our gift cards to itunes and Wal-Mart. I am hoping to get a WiiFit with mine:)
Posted by About Me at 12/29/2008 0 comments
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Vegas Bowl!
Friday we traveled down to Vegas for the BYU game. We planned to go to the team fireside but since Brady was still on the sick side we weren't sure if we were going to make it, well he felt a little better so we decided to go. Ellie came along and needless to say I sat in my seat maybe 4 minutes the entire time. Ellie wanted to run down the hall, climb the stairs up to the stage, and get drinks! From what I heard in the halls it was great, one upside Ellie got a chance to meet Harvey Unga in the foyer. He was out there before the closing song and so were we, he said hi to her and she gave him a smile and wave, before running back into the chapel:)
Saturday night Brady and I headed to the game with his boss and their family. The weather was COLD, but not nearly as bad as I was preparing for! We had great seats on the 10yd line and 5 rows up, right behind the cheerleaders!
However, the highlight of the game was David Hasselhoff, yes The HOFF, singing the national anthem. We also enjoyed some great plays right in front of us! But not enough to win us the ball game. Brady was pretty mad and is looking forward to a better season next year!
Brady thought this picture summed it up
Posted by About Me at 12/21/2008 3 comments
Sickness and Snow
I am a little behind on the posting so here is a quick catch up of what we have been up to. Last weekend Ellie got super sick and stayed that way most of the week. She had a sore throat and a cough that sounded so horrible; so we didnt do much but watch the Sprites, Baby Einstein and Lady and the Tramp (Ellie's new favorite movie). I have to say it was kinda nice since she isnt much of a cuddler unless she is sick. Then Wednesday Brady came home complaining that he was also sick with what Ellie had. Needless to say it hasn't been fun having two sickies!Don't you love that they have the same exact pose!!Since Ellie was sick we didn't get to enjoy much of the snow except from inside our warm little house. Our yard got about 2 inches and stuck around for quite awhile. It was nice to have a little snow to make it seem like Christmas, but I am glad that it is gone!!!
Posted by About Me at 12/21/2008 0 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
Christmas Time in DISNEYLAND!!
Brady and I have been wanting to take Ellie to Disneyland for a few months and we finally convinced my family to come along. Saturday morning we set out to sunny California, we made pretty good time and made it there in the early afternoon. After checking into our awesome hotel we drove down to Newport Beach for a seafood dinner and ate at the Crab Cooker. They allow you to send free postcards to anywhere in the world so we sent 2 ... one to our missionary Zach (who transferred Monday so probably won't even get it) and our niece Hailey (who HATES seafood)!! After a walk down the pier we loaded back up and drove to Anaheim. After a little rest we took the shuttle to Downtown Disney and walked around. At the end this little Bolivian band was playing so we let the kids out of their strollers. They started dancing like a couple of junior high kids, swaying to the music, but not looking at each other. After awhile they found their groove and had a great time.
Sunday we got up bright and early and took the shuttle back to Disneyland. Ellie was a little shocked and didn't know quite what to think about it. We met Mickey first thing and then headed to the scariest rides, Pirates and the Haunted Mansion. Then we walked around and did some of the little kid things. Ellie loved Small World the best! Then we headed back for lunch and naps at the hotel. That night we went to California Adventure and the new Toy Story Game/ride was awesome, Ellie loved it even though she wouldn't wear the 3D glasses. We also filled up on the fresh tortillas, delicious!! Then we went back to Disneyland, but it was so crowded that we didn't stay long! I don't know why they set up for the fireworks 3 hours before!!!
The next day we finished up Disneyland and stayed all day. Ellie took a nap in her stroller while Brady and I enjoyed a lunch at Tequila Joe's in downtown Disney. Then we went back and watched the fireworks and the snow!! Then we headed back to the room for some well deserved sleep! It was an awesome trip and I can't wait for Ellie to go again when she knows a little more about the characters!!
Ellie seemed okay with the characters, but Ryker didn't like them at all. In the pics you can see Minnie playing with his mohawk and then the dirty look he shoots her!! Pretty funny, all he really cared about was his BUZZ!!
Posted by About Me at 12/12/2008 6 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Our Trip to the NoRTh pOLe!!
Every year Brady's Mom has a big Christmas party with the whole family and this year she decided to take us on THE POLAR EXPRESS. So after lunch and opening a few presents we traveled up to Heber to get on the Heber Creeper! Once on the train we settled in and sang a few Christmas carols, read the Polar Express, had cookies and Hot Chocolate and waited for Santa.
We first had a visit from Mrs. Claus, Ellie loved her and gave her big hugs and kisses. Then we finally reached the North Pole where Santa boarded the train. It was a little sad that there was NO SNOW, maybe next time!
By the time Santa got to our car Ellie wanted NOTHING to do with him. She cried and wouldn't even look his direction. Overall, we had tons of fun and can't wait to take Ellie back when she knows a little more about The Polar Express.
Posted by About Me at 12/03/2008 8 comments
Thanksgiving Weekend
Last Wednesday morning we headed up to Orem to celebrate Thanksgiving with Brady's family. On the way Ellie started to get a little restless so we stopped in Fillmore and played a round of 9 holes. We were the only ones on the course I guess no one else likes to golf when it is 40 degrees!! Ellie loved every minute, she carried around extra balls and followed Brady wherever he went. She also loved just running around and screaming. Then she took a nice long nap the rest of the trip YEAH!!!Thursday we had a lovely Thanksgiving, Ellie took a nap during dinner so we actually got to enjoy the meal. That night Brady's sister and I stopped at the sale at Michaels and I scored 3 new cricut cartridges for the price of ONE!!
Friday morning Brady and I decided we wanted to hit the sales. We had done it before and it payed off so we thought what the heck. We left Ellie asleep with her Aunt Holly and headed to Toys R Us at 4:30 AM. Well that was a HUGE mistake, the line was wrapped around the building and like 5 people across. It was also raining by then so I wasn't getting out of the car. We decided to try Wal-Mart instead. The parking lot was full (but when isn't it) so Brady dropped me off and I headed to the toy section. They had all the doorbusters in the aisle so I was a little worried with all the people. However, once I made it to the toys, completely empty!! I found the few things I needed and met back up with Brady and headed for the checkout, which looked just about normal for Wal-Mart. We bought our items and were in and out in about 35 minutes!!!! We also met Brady's sister at Office Max for a few items and then were back home by about 8:00!! And now our shopping is nearly done, all that is left is stocking stuffers!!!
Posted by About Me at 12/03/2008 2 comments