Last night I had to go visiting teaching and then to a jewelery party. I left Brady home with Ellie happily playing in the backyard. During VT I had left my phone in the car and when I got back in the car I had 10 missed calls from Brady including a text stating "i think i broke my elbow."So I hurried home and found Brady in quite a bit of pain and Ellie happily playing with her toys.I guess he had gone out back to play with Ellie and kicked the football over the fence. He climbed up on the wall and a piece of the cinder block gave way and he fell off the cinder brick wall (6ft) onto the rock wall (8ft) and then onto the cement. Apparently Ellie was quite worried and ran right over to see how her Daddy was, but wasn't much help in going to get the phone.
Anyway we spent the next 1.5 hour at the ER. With a few x-rays on his ankle, wrist, and elbow we left with a splinted arm and a possible fracture (x-rays were inconclusive due to swelling). Ellie did really well and so did our brave patient. It should be an exciting next few days at the Flygare house.
Stay tuned our 100th post is next and you won't want to miss it!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
ER Visit
Posted by About Me at 10/29/2008 10 comments
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Staheli Farm
Last weekend Brady's parents and his sister came down for a visit. We had a lot of shopping, eating, and they enjoyed the plays out at Tuacahn. Ellie loved having her grandparents here to read her stories and play with her.When I was in Vegas a few weeks ago my brother in law brought over some great outdoor toys for the kids that he said he got at garage sells. So I thought maybe we should give it a try and for the past few Saturdays we have gone garage selling and last weekend it finally payed off. Before we have found a bike or two and some other odds and ends, but Saturday we hit the jackpot with a great jungle gym and outdoor house for Ellie. She is not to sure about them yet, but they are growing on her.
For family home evening we went out to the farm with our friends the Brinkerhoffs. The kids had so much fun petting the animals and braving the slide. We also took a hay ride out to the pumpkin patch (which lacked a lot of pumpkins) and went through the little corn maze. Ellie loved every minute and thought she was such a big girl playing with Halle and Lauryn. On our way back to the car we stopped to let them ride the swings. We had such a blast and loved hanging out with our friends.
Today our ward had the annual play date Halloween party. Ellie loved wearing her costume and actually kept it on the entire party. She loved dancing to the monster mash during the cake walk and playing with the dozens of balloons. We have had a lot of fun the past few weeks and can't wait for the REAL Halloween to come!!!
Posted by About Me at 10/22/2008 8 comments
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
High School Tag
I got tagged by fellow cowboy Emily:)
1. Did you date someone from your school? Nope. I didn't really date anyone in high school.
2. What kind of car did you drive? When I first turned 16 I drove my Dad's old CJ 7Jeep, then we got nervous I would wreck it so I got a hatchback Mercury Tracer.
3. Did you pass your driver's license test on the first try? No, I speed through a school zone, in my defense, there was a park between the road and the school. The second time my sister-in-law drove me to Pahrump (no appt. needed) and I passed. Imagine parallel parking in a church parking lot cuz thats the only place with sidewalks!!
4. Were you a party animal? not really
5. Were you considered a flirt? I wouldn't think so.
6. Were you in band, orchestra, or choir? neither
7. Were you a nerd? Other than good grades and yearbook I wouldn't think so.
8. Were you on any varsity teams? I was more of a supporter
9. Did you get suspended/expelled? YES, a group of us ditched school and decided to go up to Red Rock, well the park ranger pulled us over and sent us back to school, where we were suspended. My mom was on a trip so my Dad had to go to the meeting, where he told them the hard life we lived with early morning seminary and all that so neither Kellie or I got into much trouble! The other bonus we missed a few more days and got to hang out with our friends anyway!
10. Can you still sing the fight song? Our fight song was the theme from Magnificent Seven and yes I can still remember the tune!
11. Who were your favorite teachers? I would have to say Mrs. Lit.
12. Where did you sit during lunch? My first few years we went out to eat, until we got nutrition breaks and then we would hurry to 7-11 or just ditch and go eat!
13. What is your schools full name? Chaparral High School14. School mascot and colors? Cowboys, orange and black (yes, just like Halloween)
15. Did you go to Homecoming and who with? sophmore yr. Jeff Harbach, junior year can't remember, senior year Tyler Wharton
16. If you could go back and do it again, would you? No, I had a great time while it lasted
17. What do you remember most about graduation? We had it and the Thomas and Mack Center and Mike Tyson came in and sat about 25 ft. away (his nephew was in my class)
18. Where did you go senior skip day? I can't remember but when we ditched we usually went to the Mohlers or off-roading.
19. Were you in any clubs? I did class committees and student council and yearbook.
20. Have you gained some weight since then? Oh yes.
21. Are you planning on going to your 10 year reunion? No I didn't attend I had just had Ellie and wasn't looking to hot.
22. Did you have a job while in high school? Yes, Gap, Bigelow Management as a file clerk
I tag anyone who wants to do a fun post....
Posted by About Me at 10/14/2008 3 comments
Monday, October 13, 2008
Broken AC, broken bones, Bunko, and a visit from CALI!
On Conference Sunday we had the back door open most of the day so Ellie could wander around outside while we listened to conference. After the late session I started to pick up the toys and do the dishes and I started to get really hot. I went and checked the temp, but it said 70, but it didn't fell anything close to that. Well, Brady went outside to check and we found ice all over the cables! Luckily, with a little space heater we were able to defrost the lines and it wasn't anything big!! I guess with the door open our AC was working over time and just froze up.
On Tuesday I called my parents to see what was going on, well my Dad answered and said he had thrown his back out hunting the weekend before and that my mom was at the hospital with a possible broken wrist. My Mom has bowled every Tuesday morning for as long as a can remember (years) and I guess she slipped on the lanes and fell and ended up with a seriously broken wrist. Today she had surgery to get a plate put in and hopefully she will be back to bowling soon:)
Wednesday our group had bunko down in Moapa, so Ellie and I drove down to play and then headed to Vegas for the rest of the weekend. This year we are having themed night so last night we dressed up, it was super fun and I got to try out most of Ellie's costume!The rest of the weekend we played with cousins, went shopping, enjoyed some great restaurants, and made sugar cookies. My sister Kim flew in from San Fran for a few days and we loved having her. She sure knows how to spoil Ellie and Ryker.
Posted by About Me at 10/13/2008 5 comments
Friday, October 3, 2008
Play Dates!!
Ellie and I went to Vegas this week, while Brady had a conference in SLC. We went down on Sunday and spent most of the week watching and playing with Ryker. These 2 are getting along much better, except for the occasionally love tackle from Ryker. So here is how we spent the week....
Posted by About Me at 10/03/2008 6 comments
Birthday Celebration
Last Friday was Brady's birthday. We got up and opened presents before he went to work. Ellie was a great help ripping the paper off the packages and showed interest in each gift. Brady got a BYU foootball book and DVD and some much needed NEW work clothes.
That afternoon we went to lunch at Olive Garden with a few of his co-workers. The lunch was a little long and Ellie was going crazy for the last little while, so we had to make an early departure.
For dinner we had birthday cake with peanut butter frosting (thanks Harmon's) it was delicious. As you can see Ellie and her Daddy loved it!!
Here is another cute pic of Ellie and her dad watching TV. I love her little chubby tummy!!
Posted by About Me at 10/03/2008 2 comments