Saturday, August 30, 2008
HAPPY 30th BIRTHDAY BROOKIE!!!!!!!!!!!! August 31, 2008
I Love my Wife !!!!!!!!!!
I Love my Mom !!!!!!!!!!!
Love, Brady and Ellie :)
Posted by About Me at 8/30/2008 7 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
Flashback Friday - Olympic Moments
With the winding down of yet another Olympics and watching all of the magnificent moments I started to think about my memories of the Olympics.During the Spring of 1996 the torch was on its way to Atlanta and it made a stop through Las Vegas, being in High School and thinking this is a once in a lifetime opportunity my friends and I decided to check it out. A kid from our HS was running with the torch down part of the strip so that is where we went. We got there right as they were closing the road so we parked our car at Spring Mt. and the Strip and got out to watch. It was pretty cool and we wanted to see more, so we hopped in the minivan and headed for downtown. Well, on the way I got a HUGE traffic ticket and it kind of ruined the excitement. A guess a grumpy cop and a van full of obnoxious teens don't mix.
Then during the SLC Winter Olympic in 2002, I was living in Draper with my good friend Carrie working on my student teaching. It was amazing to see the excitement surround the city as the rings seemed to appear everywhere. I was teaching Kindergarten during this time and one of our students asked if he could bring in something special. Well, turns out his Grandfather got to run with the torch, when this happens you get to keep that torch, and he was able to bring it into the classroom for the students to see. I remember how beautiful it was and seeing the black left around the glass where the torch had burned. It was a pretty cool experience and I didn't think it would get better than that.
A few days later my sister and a bunch of friends came up so we headed downtown to walk around and check out the scene. We had wandered around and looked at about everything we had wanted to see and on our way back to the car we saw a group of girls sitting on a planter box. Turns out it was the Canadian Girls Hockey team wearing their GOLD medals. They were very friendly and let us look and touch their medals. I remember being surprised at how heavy they were. I couldn't believe that no one in our group had a camera, because we had all forgotten them in the car and cell phones didn't have them, yet.
Posted by About Me at 8/22/2008 5 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Family Reunion
A few weekends ago, Brady, Ellie, and I went to my Dad's side of the family's reunion. After a little longer journey than we had anticipated we finally arrived at Pine Lake over near Bryce Canyon. The weather was perfect and we had a great time. Ellie loved wondering around in the dirt and managed to stay pretty clean. The only days activities were sitting around visiting, eating lunch, and then the fundraising auction. When I got home I realized I hadn't taken quite as many pictures as I would have liked.
This year my Dad and I put together family histories on this side of the family for our contribution. When I first volunteered for this project I am not sure I knew what I was getting myself into, I thought I was just going to be the editor, that then turned into the printer and assembler. After many hours spent on the project and 16 books later and 12 CD's the project was finished. I learned a lot about my ancestors as I read through each history. It made me appreciate the early saints even more than I already did.
Posted by About Me at 8/19/2008 3 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
Flashback Friday
Posted by About Me at 8/15/2008 4 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Smelling Sweet
So Monday Brady came home with these beautiful flowers. I was so surprised and excited I can't remember the last time I got flowers from my sweet husband. THANKS BABE
Posted by About Me at 8/13/2008 5 comments
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Saturday morning Ellie woke up to a slight rash on her cheeks, Brady and I didn't think to much of it. I thought it was from the grass she played in the night before. So we loaded up and headed to our family reunion. Well, during the day it just got worse and worse. By the end of the day they covered her face, neck, arms, back, tummy, legs, and toes. She never itched at it, but I started to get little nervous. That night when we got home we called the pediatrician and they asked if we could bring her in. Well, turns out she had a reaction to the measles shot she got last week. It should go a away in a few days to a week. Until then she looks like like a teenager with serious acne:)
Posted by About Me at 8/10/2008 7 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
Got Milk?
Today Ellie and I had to make a quick run to Costco to pick up some last minute necessities for the family reunion tomorrow. We enjoyed some free samples, which Ellie can now enjoy:) However when we went to grab some milk instead of seeing this...I saw this instead. I might have been more confused if I hadn't seen the debut of this new cartoon on the Today show a few weeks ago. I guess it is easier to stack and ship in this package. One downsize, not as easy to pour!
Posted by About Me at 8/08/2008 1 comments
Flashback Friday
So I Thought I Could Dance...I guess I should add what inspired this post. Last night as I was watching the finale of SYTYCD (YEA Joshua) there was a little clogging number. So I decided now would be a great time to add this flashback.
This flashback goes way back to my childhood. Kellie and I were part of the Vegas Valley Cloggers for a long time. We were lucky enough to dance at Disneyland, Knott's Berry Farm, Sea World, Sea Port Village, and many malls and parties in Vegas. We both loved clogging, however, looking back I don't know about some of the costumes (this is the only one I had on my computer already)
Posted by About Me at 8/08/2008 7 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Company :)
Last weekend we met Brady's parents up at our cabin for an enjoyable weekend. They came down for a neice's wedding reception in Cedar City. Saturday I got up and did some running (my first 3 miles) then we spent the rest of the day taking naps and riding in the razor. We stopped at the Pizza Factory for dinner and then went to the reception. It was lovely and the perfect weather for an outdoor party. Cami looked beautiful, I loved her dress! (sorry no pics, I forgot the camera). Ellie loved seeing her grandparents and Aunt and was sad to say good-bye:)Then on Sunday, Hailey, came back to St. George with us to spend a few days. Her and Brady watched all of the Bourne movies Sunday, while I read Breaking Dawn. Then Monday we did a little shopping, ate at 25 Main, and stopped by the water park. Tuesday we did a little more shopping and swam in the pool. I also finished Breaking Dawn. I am a little sad that it is over, but I loved this one, probably my favorite! Wednesday Hailey and Brady went golfing and then she left to go back home. Ellie had such a great time and we were so sad to see her go, we can't wait for her next visit to St. George!
Posted by About Me at 8/07/2008 2 comments