Friday afternoon Brady called and said it is going to be to hot this weekend and that we should head up to my parents cabin at Panguitch Lake. So we packed up and headed up the mountain. Saturday we came down to Cedar for Ellie's cousins Trax's birthday party! She had a blast playing in the little kiddie pool, the boys were a little leary of the cold water, but ellie just jumped right in.Sunday Brady had to go home, but Ellie and I stayed with my parents and sister, Kim, her son Richie, and his friend, Nate from california. The next few days were filled with relaxation and a few visits from family. Including, Monday, Kellie and Stephen flew up for the day and my brother came by on Tuesday.
Ellie had a few first while we were there. She got up close to a squirrel while my Dad was feeding it. The squirrel wasn't scared at all and just wanted inside the cabin. She also took a trip around the neighborhood on the 4 wheeler. It was so nice that we didn't want to come back to the heat of St. George!! Ellie & Ryker both LOVE this fish, it sings two songs and they both just point at it until someone pushes the button then they dance! too cute!
Saturday, Brady got the pool up and we enjoyed the water, I forgot to take out the camera so I will post pictures later!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Last Week!!
Posted by About Me at 6/29/2008 4 comments
Friday, June 20, 2008
Aunt Nat's Visit
My oldest sister Natalie had this week off of work, so she decided to come and visit us. She came up from Vegas on Tuesday when we went to the park downtown, Ellie was crawling around the water with her butt up in the air, it was pretty funny. Then we went and ate at 25 Main Cafe, if you haven't been yet you are missing out, especially on the cupcakes!!
Natalie wanted me to help her cut out squares for a denim quilt she is working on and I wanted her to help me fix a dress that I had made for ellie.
So Wednesday we went to JoAnns and after finding some cute fabric I decided to make a couple other cute dresses for Ellie. The pattern said super simple make in 1 hour, well not so it took us triple the time it was suppose to take. It also turned out a little big, Ellie might be able to wear it next year. Thursday we finished up the other dress and one for Ellie's bear. We had a great time and enjoyed having Natalie spend a few nights with us!! Thanks a bunch for the dresses!!
Posted by About Me at 6/20/2008 8 comments
A-Attached or Single? - Attached. B-Best Friend - My husband Brady
C-Cake or Pie?- Cake especially my Mom's chocolate cake
D-Day of choice?- Friday, the first day of many great weekends! E-Essential item?- Ponytail holders
F-Favorite color?- Red G-Gummy bears or worms? Gummy Bears, but I only eat them on road trips!
H-Hometown?- Las Vegas Baby
I-Favorite Indulgence? I am trying to stop drinking soda so a large DP with extra ice!! or sleeping in past 6:30 am
J-January or July?- July, hey I grew up in Vegas, I HATE the cold! K-Kids?- Ellie Chase who is turning one in a few weeksLife isn't complete without?- My family
M-Marriage Date?- March 19, 2005
N-Number of Bros & Sis?- 3 sisters Natalie, Kim and Kellie and 1 brother ShaneO-Oranges or Apples?- Oranges
P-Phobias and Fears?- Getting stranded driving somewhere
R-Reason to smile?- Ellie crusing around behind her lion and crashing into the walls and then using her whole body to turn it around! hilarious!! S-Season of choice?- Springtime in St. George
T-Tag Ten People?- HMMM Brook, Christal, Janelle, Emily, Jessica, & Ainsley and however else wants in!
U-Unknown fact about me?- I have recently taken up running, which I use to hate, but am now starting to enjoy
V-Vegetable?- Brocolli, Corn, and Carrots W-Worse habit?- Brady would say sleeping in the middle of the bed
X-X-Ray?- No broken bones, but a nose in grade school
Y-Your favorite food?- Too many to list:) I love Bajios, Texas Roadhouse, and french fries, is it bad that my list includes only take out!!
Z-Zodiac sign?- Virgo
Posted by About Me at 6/20/2008 3 comments
Friday, June 13, 2008
A Day at the ZOO!
This week Brady had some meetings up in Provo for work, so Ellie and I tagged along for a visit with Brady's family. Monday our family went to the Hoogle Zoo. It was much nicer than I had remembered and Ellie had a lot of fun watching the animals. Her favorites included the monkeys, meerkats, cheetahs, and the giraffes.
She also learned a few life lessons from the turtles! The guy next to us had his sons with him and he was explaining that they were just wrestling!!
We also stopped at Cascade Springs on our way home from SLC and it was so beautiful. The stream was quite full and all the trees were so green and Anyway we had an enjoyable time, but are happy to back in the heat of St. George for awhile!!
Posted by About Me at 6/13/2008 2 comments
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Cuddle Up!!
Saturday is a baby shower for one of my first roommates from college. I wasn't to sure what to get and Ellie loves her rag quilt so much that I decided to make a blanket for her. They aren't to difficult or time consuming, except for cutting the edges, but it turned out so cute that i wish a was having a boy so that I could just keep it (sorry Rashell)!!
Posted by About Me at 6/05/2008 4 comments
Monday, June 2, 2008
Baseball, Baby Showers, & Baby Steps!!
We have had a busy few days. Ellie and I went down for a quick trip to Vegas on Friday. After an afternoon of shopping we ended up at my nephew Reed's baseball game. His team was playing in the city little league championship tournament. Other than a late start, we had a great time at the game. Ellie was strolled around the park and Will shared his snowcone with her. He got a kick out of the funny faces she made as she sucked on the ice. We left a little early, but saw Reed make it to home plate and his team won by a landslide.On Saturday we went to my cousin Brittnie's baby shower. She is having a little girl, Gabbi in July. (if someone could email some of the pics you took of all the kids I would love it) Ellie had a blast playing with all of her cousins, swimming with Payton in the pool, and seeing all the gifts. That night my mom babysat so Kellie and I could go out to eat without the little ones, it was great.
Sunday we came home and showed our Dad that Ellie is starting to take little steps. If she is in the mood, she can make it 5-7 steps, however, sometimes she would rather jump than walk. We are so excited for her to walk and sorry that the video is sideways I didn't know how to fix it!!
Posted by About Me at 6/02/2008 3 comments