Today is my little sisters birthday!! She has not started a blog, yet, but hopefully she will join in the fun soon. Hope you have a great birthday and can't wait to see you this weekend!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Happy B-Day Kellie
Posted by About Me at 4/29/2008 5 comments
Monday, April 28, 2008
Weekend Update & Happy B-Day SUE
Friday afternoon my Aunt Char picked up Ellie and I for a quick overnight trip to Vegas for my Aunt Sue's surprise 60th B-Day party. It was a blast and a lot of family came into town to help celebrate. Ellie had so much fun playing with all of her cousins that were there. Then we headed back home on Saturday afternoon.While we were gone, Dad was busy working on the deck and he made a ton of progress in the 30 hours that we were gone. We got the foundation finished and is about ready to start on the deck. YEAH!! YEAH!! Here are a few updated pics from the weekend.
Posted by About Me at 4/28/2008 3 comments
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Thankful Thursday!
1. Today I am thankful that my family is finally getting over their sickness and all is getting back to normal at the Flygare residence.
2. I am thankful that Brady is such a great husband and good Daddy to Ellie, she sure had fun hanging with her Dad on Sunday!
3. I am thankful that this morning my normal non-cuddler Ellie fell asleep with her Mom on the couch watching the Today show!
4. I will be more thankful when Ellie's first tooth finally comes all the way in, it has been just poking through her gums for the last week! How long can it take???
5. I am thankful that it is Thursday night and there is great TV on, Grey's, The Office, and the Jazz!!
Posted by About Me at 4/24/2008 1 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
So Cal comes to Southern Utah
Yesterday In-N-Out opened their doors just up the street from our house. I wanted to go then, but the line was sooo long that we went to Jack in the Box across the street instead. Well today I was craving a burger pretty bad, so we took the plunge and waited in the line with the rest of St. George. Luckily, the line went rather quickly and I was soon enjoying my fries and hamburger. An added bonus, Del Taco was handing out coupons for there store as well, so we scored a bunch of free tacos from them that we can cash in on in the near future!!!
Posted by About Me at 4/23/2008 4 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
You don't want to catch this!
Well, it finally hit our house, this stomach bug has hit the majority of my family and after our trip to the dunes Friday it hit our home! Sunday morning about 4 am it hit me, so I unfortunately had to call the RS President to tell her I would not be making it to church and would not be able to play the piano. Brady was great though, he and Ellie went to Sacrament meeting and then came home to take morning naps. That afternoon Brady yelled at me and I came out of the bedroom to find Ellie like this...
Luckily, this is only a 12 hour bug and by Monday I was feeling better, no one else was feeling bad and I was pretty happy about that, until today! Brady called this morning saying he wasn't feeling the best and arrived home around 2:30, his boss had sent him home. Ellie went down for an afternoon nap and so did Brady. When Ellie woke up she wasn't her chipper self and a few minutes later,she started throwing up, Ellie was a sick little gal!! After Mom changed and Ellie bathed, we had a rocking session and then I handed her off to Dad.
Then after a few minutes I found them like this...After Ellie woke up from her power nap, she seemed to be fine and played with her toys for a couple hours until it was time for bed, she drank her bottle and fell asleep, with no major problems, hopeful she will be good when she wakes up and hopefully Brady will be too and we can be done with this nasty BUG!
Posted by About Me at 4/22/2008 1 comments
New Project!
Everytime I think the backyard is done, my wonderful husband comes up with another project to keep him busy. Well this is the last one for the yard, I hope. We are adding a deck up to the top tier in our backyard. We would love to put a spa up there, but can't afford it yet. So we are settling on a deck with a lovely 10x10 pool there for the summer. Ellie and I will be excited for the project to be complete, so we can spend our summer days lounging in the pool. Anyway Brady has started and hopes to get it finished before it gets to much hotter! Here are some pics from the first work day, can't wait to post the finished deck!
Posted by About Me at 4/22/2008 1 comments
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Beginning Spin???
A few years ago Brady started to go to a spin class at our old gym, I went with him once and decided i never wanted to go back. Well, this morning I went to the beginners class, however, I seemed to be the only beginner in a room full of experts. It might have been the longest 55 minutes of my life, and my butt might never be the same. But I think that this won't be my last class. My new goal is to make it to spin at least twice a week, then I might be ready for a beach trip in July!
Posted by About Me at 4/19/2008 4 comments
Fun Friday - Coral Pink
Posted by About Me at 4/19/2008 1 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
Blue & White Game
This weekend we traveled up to Orem to help install tile in one of the bathrooms at Brady's parents house. While we were there BYU football had there annual blue and white football. Well, many of you know that I am a huge UNLV fan during basketball season, but being married to Brady I have had to become a BYU football fan in the fall, which is okay since that has never been UNLV's strong sport. So Saturday afternoon we went down to the stadium for the game. It was so fun, the team was having a clinic with the players so we walked around on the field for a few minutes. We attempted a picture with Austin Collie, but a bunch of kids ran over and Ellie and I got pushed to the side so we stood off to the side for a pic. They then ran a practice, which went a little long, so we ended up seeing only a few minutes of the game, before Ellie was ready for a nap! From the look of things, the team should be pretty good next year!
Posted by About Me at 4/14/2008 3 comments
Friday, April 11, 2008
Flashback Friday - Oregon Trip
Brady and I have been married for just over three years now and we went on our honeymoon to Lincoln City, Oregon. It is a little beach town and was a great low key place to vacation. We stayed in a one room condo right on the beach and it was perfect. We spent a lot of time on the beach and driving around the town.
Here is one of our fondest memories from the trip! One day we decided to go whale watching, because it was the perfect season. Well, this turned into quite the adventure. Upon arriving at the pier we went and got our tickets, then went back to the car to grab our jackets. Well, I thought it would be best to leave my purse in the trunk, only I forgot to take the keys out and unfortunately locked them safely inside the trunk. After finally finding someone to open the car we missed the first boat and had to wait a few hours for the next trip. Once on the little boat the wind started to pick up and I found myself seasick, I have been on many boats and never felt sick, however, I was pretty queasy and didn't enjoy much of the whales. Once safely back on land I began feeling better instantly!! We loved Oregon and hope to take our family there someday!!
Posted by About Me at 4/11/2008 6 comments
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Adventures @ Work
The past few weeks Ellie and I have been going in to help with the new family business. I unpack the boxes of equipment and take care of the billing every Wednesday morning. Well, Ellie has to tag along and is fairly good as long as she has snacks on her tray and Baby Einstein playing on the computer. She has started to really cruise around the room in her walker and loves getting into things she probably shouldn't. Well, while I was reorganizing the other day, Ellie had to hang out under the desk for a minute and she was really digging it! Here are a few pics from our day at work!
Posted by About Me at 4/10/2008 3 comments
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Office Tribute!
This is in honor of the new episodes of the Office which are finally coming back Thursday!! YEAH!!
Brook's Results...Which Office Character Are You?
You are Pam. You are sweet and likable, but your shyness makes it hard for you to express yourself sometimes. Regardless, you are always there for your friends and will usually come out of your shell to help anyone. Find Your Character @
Brady's Results....Which Office Character Are You?
You are Jim. You are personable, easy-going, and always socially aware. Your great sense of humor and impishness soften the blow of what might otherwise be a dark, cutting cynicism. Find Your Character @
Kind of funny how what turned out!
Posted by About Me at 4/06/2008 3 comments
Vegas Baby!!
This weekend Holly and her girls came down for the concert, so Brady and I decided to take them shopping in Vegas on Saturday. We got up and headed down South, it was a perfect day to be out and about. We ate lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings and then went shopping at Town Square. It is sort of like the Gateway, but with a lot more stores and a huge open park area in the middle. When we first got there the animal shelter was there letting people adopt pets, so Brady took Ellie over and she apparently loved the dogs! (I am surprised they didn't bring one home) After shopping for awhile I joined them in the park and we spent our time hanging out on the grass letting Ellie crawl around listening to a band. While Holly, Jessica, and Haley shopped. Then my nephew joined us and we went to the Bellagio to see the garden and eat ice cream.Ellie loved the garden and especially the water fountains!After the Vegas thing we went to my cousin Brittnie & Josh's wedding reception. It was so nice and the food was amazing, Josh's family cooked up a ton of great Mexican food. Congrats, guys!!!
Posted by About Me at 4/06/2008 3 comments
Christmas in April
Friday night I finally got to use my last Christmas present...Colbie Calliat concert tickets. Brady's sister, Holly, was getting tickets for her daughters and Brady knew that I would also love it, so I also got tickets for Christmas, it was a great surprise. The concert was really good, other than it ended up starting so late! We had great tickets in the 6th row and right in the middle.
A big thanks to my friend Brook for watching Ellie, we sure appreciated it and can't wait to return the favor!
Posted by About Me at 4/06/2008 2 comments
Friday, April 4, 2008
It's Party Time
Wednesday night was Ryker's party and everyone had a wonderful time, despite all the kids being a bit on the tired side. The kids played in the park and loved the swings and then we had pizza, apparently Ellie loves crazy bread and frosting. Then Ryker opened some awesome presents including a bubble lawn mower and wagons filled with toys. Then came the cake, Ryker was probably the cleanest of the crew and enjoyed his cake with a fork, while Ellie dug in with both hands. Great party, Ryker!!
Posted by About Me at 4/04/2008 0 comments
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
One Year OLDer!!
Happy Birthday Ryker!! Today is my sister Kellie's little boys first birthday!! He was suppose to come on tax day, but made an early appearance just missing April Fools by mere minutes. Ellie loves her cousin and is so excited to taste her first birthday cake at the party tonight. So happy birthday Little Man!
We were going to post a few pictures from yesterday but our card doesn't work at Grandma's house. So stayed tuned for pics!!
Posted by About Me at 4/02/2008 1 comments